I made these videos maybe in my studio using Final Cut Pro and Apple motion to illustrate my songs during that process. I've got to learn a lot about making videos with a phone camera and how the timeline process works funny enough once you have made a record with the timeline making the video of it is somehow easier because you know where you are going, these videos are supposed to illustrate also all the different types of music I make. It makes some people crazy that I don't just do PUNK ROCK but things change and people move on. Thank you for watching if I could be any help to you to make your own music, more interesting let me know

Vive L'Amour 60's Spy Movie

A tribute to John Barry and the Shadows taken from the Members Album Greetings from Knowhere, there's a great bit of object trouvee on this video. I found some footage of the shadows and they seem to be playing exactly the same tempo as the record so it slipped in nicely a this song is a very old song that I wrote about 25 years ago and it keeps popping up in my head so I have to re-record it once in awhile just to remind us of how great it is I stole some of the lyrics from a piece of poetry. I don't know where who wrote it.


Philip Glass inspired arpeggiator Jam with Latin Choir featuring Paddy Carroll as a drone pilot and aerial shots of a village in Brittany called Plourac'h, I work very hard to get the robot choir of demonic monks to sing in Latin. This is actually footage of the village I live in Brittany. It's a nice place when it's not raining and it's nice when it is raining.

IN 1972

Reggae Bass Circle of 5th Chords Duet with Mellissa Jo from JC Solo Album lots of Mandolins and accordian, this is adapted from the wonderful theme from love story written by Francis Lai I wanted to do something with the tune which I found in an old sheet music book easy tunes for the Organ. I loved it so much and of course it's a nice vehicle for the Mandolin. I play Accordian on it as well, but I'm not that good on the Accordion, but you don't have to be that good on the Accordian to make it sound sexy , Melissa does a lovely vocal on this thank you ,

Animated Tattoo

Progressive Rock Vibes with a Great Guitar Solo and Animation Featuring Tony Reeves(colloseum) John Parry (the Only ones) and Nick Cash this tells the story of writing a song at the song taking you round the world like a hit record can do to you it can change your life and it can take your life over which if you're lucky enough to have had one you will know . it's a song about a song and communication enjoy it.

Feel so Lonesome I could Die - MUSIC VIDEO
Star Wars on a Budget

Channelling Hank Williams and George Lucas - shot in a tiny room trying to make a sci-fi movie with a country and western record. This is what I do in my room with a green screen. I used to Samsung camera on some of this. ..I've got a bit carried away and thought I was making a animation series where really I was just saying a future country and western vibe thing thank you very much for Dave Allen for his patience when we made the record.


In my room with a moog clone a greenscreen and my favourite huawei phone camera from the album west byfleet selfie, I bought this instrument called a Yamaha guitar Lynn and I wrote the song on the instrument. I never played it again but it gave me this one song. A wonderful woman called Barbara Snow played Trumpet for me and that was quite an interesting session. I'm not sure how well the harmony vocals work at the end of it, but I've told the story and that's what I wanted to do.

Chill Out Hippy Vibes
Studio SHoot

We used a Black magic camera on this Shoot with some studio work and library footage for fans of bass solos and alien abduction. This was shot at Powerhouse Studios where I do a lot of my production work. They have got a really good room for recording bands. I am real slave driver. If I am doing videos for an album I will try and do five or six backing tracks in one day and then do the overdubs at home or somewhere else, it's just the way I work. It means that all my records have videos sometimes that's a good thing. Sometimes it's a bad thing sometimes I guess you should just listen to the record. This is a nice chillout record.


Visits the Cajun version of the Chuck Berry classic and tells the story of the Sound Of The Suburbs shot on an iPhone for a change very few edits from the wise monkeys album featuring Elliett and Violin and Steve and Mandolin

BY the time I get to Venus
Classic Glen Campbell Song in Outer Space

I went into the studio with David M Allen and I wanted to do a country space rock record. I paid him with a wurlitzer keyboard which I wish I still had, but we came out with four tracks. I then worked for months doing the videos this one was with a collaboration with an American artist called, shag Josh Agle I asked him was it okay to use his images and he said okay. Lots of work on this particular one channelling the Jetsons with a little bit of Thunderbirds.

Sometimes Black is too bright
The Magic Sponge

This is an animation I did for clients called the magic sponge I've done lots of work for over the years. This one was very special because I did it on an iPad with a drawing program called Affinity Designer that I had never used before so all the frames were hand dr and exported as that and put into Apple motion before they were animated once again it's a lot of work but I really love working with Apple motion as it has some great little things about it. You can do 3-D stuff which I have done but is very time-consuming this one I really like the simpleness of it all.

trans-Siberian express
Russian Vibes

What I'm doing here is telling the story of my grain aunt Irma's escape from Russia onthe trans Siberian express with her boyfriend a white Russian and a whole shipment of furs. It's a true story and of course I am using a bit of Kraftwerk and after the, nice Russian lettering at the beginning. I've used a nice spit of Norwegian railway footage which seem to fit the project quite well and is very very hypnotic. The intro is acoustic instruments and nick cash help with the Drums on this one quite like it as it's a historical document as well as a song.

Anarchy in the UK
Folk Version

I am using images from anarchist illustrator Clifford Harper (thanks ) to illustrate one of the most famous Punk Rock songs and in the UK. There's a lot of things that I love about this song but most of all the fact that anarchist were a serious political movement before communism there was a very lucky piece of editing, I had some Uilleannpipes left over from the Shane McGowan film that fitted perfectly into this song and gave it a wonderful feeling of Celtic chaos. Tony Reeves played bass and nick cash played drums and this is from the caveman TV album which was a huge labour of love for me. Dickie Deegan is the man that played the Uilleannpipes on this and it is on the caveman TV album.



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